An ectopic pregnancy happens when a fertilized egg implants itself outside the uterus. They are also known as "Tubal pregnancies" because most of them occur in the fallopian tubes. Whether there's an issue with the egg or the tube, the egg gets stuck on its journey to the uterus.

A pregnancy can't continue outside the uterus, so all ectopic pregnancies should end. It used to be that around 90% of women with ectopic pregnancies needed to have surgery. Today, the number of surgeries is much lower, and a lot more ectopic pregnancies are managed with meds that prevent them from advancing.

Once the ectopic pregnancy is confirmed, the surgeon may choose to remove the pregnancy using laparoscopic techniques. In some cases, medication may be used to dissolve the ectopic pregnancy if it is small and the patient is stable. However, if the ectopic pregnancy has grown or there is a risk of rupture, surgical removal may be necessary.

Laparoscopic procedures for ectopic pregnancy

Salpingostomy and salpingectomy are 2 laparoscopic surgeries used to treat a few ectopic pregnancies. In these procedures, a small cut is made in the abdomen, near or in the navel. Then, your doctor utilizes a thin tube equipped with a camera lens and light (laparoscope) to see the tubal region.

In a salpingostomy, the ectopic pregnancy is taken out and the tube is left to heal on its own. In a salpingectomy, the ectopic pregnancy and the tube are both eliminated.

Which procedure you have depends upon the amount of bleeding and damage and whether the tube has ruptured. Also, a factor is whether your other fallopian tube is normal or gives indications of prior damage.

Laparoscopy is generally considered a minimally invasive procedure compared to traditional open surgery. It offers benefits such as smaller incisions, reduced postoperative pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery times.

It's imperative to consult with a doctor for a comprehensive evaluation and to discuss the best treatment options for an ectopic pregnancy. The decision to undergo laparoscopy or any other treatment approach will depend on individual circumstances and the medical team's recommendations.

Consult the best gynecologist in Palakollu for ectopic pregnancy treatment.

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